yt 2.6 documentation

yt Documentation

yt is a community-developed analysis and visualization toolkit for examining datasets in a variety of scientific disciplines. yt is developed in Python under the open-source model. In version 2.6, yt currently supports several astrophysical simulation code formats, as well support for Loading Generic Array Data for unsupported data formats. Code Support is included for: Enzo, Orion, Nyx, FLASH, Piernik, Athena, Chombo, and Pluto.


Support for additional codes, including particle codes (Gadget, Gasoline), octree AMR codes (ART, RAMSES), and additional patch AMR codes (Castro, Maestro, and other Boxlib codes) will be available in yt 3.0. Currently yt 3.0 is under active development, please stop by the mailing list if you want to get involved.

We provide sample data for many of the different codes supported by yt. See How can I get some sample data for yt? for more information.

Table of Contents


Getting and Installing yt

yt Bootcamp

Demonstrations of what yt can do

The Cookbook

Example recipes for how to accomplish a variety of tasks

Visualizing Data

Make plots, projections, volume renderings, movies, and more

Analyzing Data

Use analysis tools to extract results from your data

Examining Data

Load data and directly access raw values for low-level analysis

Developing in yt

Catering yt to work for your exact use case

Reference Materials

Lists of fields, quantities, classes, functions, and more

Getting help

What to do if you run into problems