yt 2.6 documentation

Code Support

Levels of Support for Various Codes

yt provides frontends to support several different simulation code formats as inputs. Below is a list showing what level of support is provided for each code.

Capability Enzo Orion FLASH Nyx Piernik Athena Pluto Chombo
Fluid Quantities Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Particles Y Y Y Y N/A N N N
Parameters Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Units Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Read on Demand Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Load Raw Data Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Part of test suite Y Y Y Y N N N Y
Level of Support Full Full Full Full Full Full Part Part

If you have a dataset from a code not yet supported, you can either input your data following Loading Generic Array Data, or help us by Creating A New Code Frontend for this new format.


Support for additional codes, including particle codes (Gadget, Gasoline), octree AMR codes (ART, RAMSES), and additional patch AMR codes (Castro, Maestro, and other Boxlib codes) will be available in yt 3.0. Currently yt 3.0 is under active development, please stop by the mailing list if you want to get involved.

Future Codes to Support

A major overhaul of the code was required in order to cleanly support additional codes. Development in the yt 3.x branch has begun and provides support for codes like: RAMSES, ART (NMSU), and Gadget. Please switch to that version of yt for the most up-to-date support for those codes.

Additionally, in yt 3.0 the Boxlib formats have been unified and streamlined.