One can create particle trajectories from a DatasetSeries object for a specified list of particles identified by their unique indices using the particle_trajectories method.

%matplotlib inline
import glob
from os.path import join

import yt
from yt.config import ytcfg

path = ytcfg.get("yt", "test_data_dir")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

First, let’s start off with a FLASH dataset containing only two particles in a mutual circular orbit. We can get the list of filenames this way:

my_fns = glob.glob(join(path, "Orbit", "orbit_hdf5_chk_00[0-9][0-9]"))

And let’s define a list of fields that we want to include in the trajectories. The position fields will be included by default, so let’s just ask for the velocity fields:

fields = ["particle_velocity_x", "particle_velocity_y", "particle_velocity_z"]

There are only two particles, but for consistency’s sake let’s grab their indices from the dataset itself:

ds = yt.load(my_fns[0])
dd = ds.all_data()
indices = dd["all", "particle_index"].astype("int")
[1 2] dimensionless

which is what we expected them to be. Now we’re ready to create a DatasetSeries object and use it to create particle trajectories:

ts = yt.DatasetSeries(my_fns)
# suppress_logging=True cuts down on a lot of noise
trajs = ts.particle_trajectories(indices, fields=fields, suppress_logging=True)
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 3
      1 ts = yt.DatasetSeries(my_fns)
      2 # suppress_logging=True cuts down on a lot of noise
----> 3 trajs = ts.particle_trajectories(indices, fields=fields, suppress_logging=True)

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in DatasetSeries.particle_trajectories(self, indices, fields, suppress_logging, ptype)
    384 def particle_trajectories(
    385     self, indices, fields=None, suppress_logging=False, ptype=None
    386 ):
    387     r"""Create a collection of particle trajectories in time over a series of
    388     datasets.
    432     particle disappear.
    433     """
--> 434     return ParticleTrajectories(
    435         self, indices, fields=fields, suppress_logging=suppress_logging, ptype=ptype
    436     )

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in ParticleTrajectories.__init__(self, outputs, indices, fields, suppress_logging, ptype)
    144     self.particle_fields.append(field)
    146 # Instantiate fields the caller requested
--> 147 self._get_data(fields)

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in ParticleTrajectories._get_data(self, fields)
    276 # This will fail for non-grid index objects
    277 for grid in particle_grids:
--> 278     cube = grid.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, grid_fields)
    279     for field in grid_fields:
    280         CICSample_3(
    281             x,
    282             y,
    289   [0],
    290         )

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/index_subobjects/, in AMRGridPatch.retrieve_ghost_zones(self, n_zones, fields, all_levels, smoothed)
    260     cube = self.ds.smoothed_covering_grid(
    261         level, new_left_edge, field_parameters=field_parameters, **kwargs
    262     )
    263 else:
--> 264     cube = self.ds.covering_grid(
    265         level, new_left_edge, field_parameters=field_parameters, **kwargs
    266     )
    267 cube._base_grid = self
    268 return cube

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in YTCoveringGrid.__init__(self, level, left_edge, dims, fields, ds, num_ghost_zones, use_pbar, field_parameters, data_source)
    716 self.global_startindex = (
    717     np.rint((self.left_edge - self.ds.domain_left_edge) /
    718         "int64"
    719     )
    720     + self.ds.domain_offset
    721 )
    722 self._setup_data_source()
--> 723 self.get_data(fields)

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in YTCoveringGrid.get_data(self, fields)
    908 for a, f in sorted(alias.items()):
    909     if f.sampling_type == "particle" and not is_sph_field:
--> 910         self[a] = self._data_source[f]
    911     else:
    912         self[a] = f(self)

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in YTDataContainer.__getitem__(self, key)
    233         return self.field_data[f]
    234     else:
--> 235         self.get_data(f)
    236 # fi.units is the unit expression string. We depend on the registry
    237 # hanging off the dataset to define this unit object.
    238 # Note that this is less succinct so that we can account for the case
    239 # when there are, for example, no elements in the object.
    240 try:

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/selection_objects/, in YTSelectionContainer.get_data(self, fields)
    137 def get_data(self, fields=None):
    138     if self._current_chunk is None:
--> 139         self.index._identify_base_chunk(self)
    140     if fields is None:
    141         return

File /tmp/yt/yt/geometry/, in GridIndex._identify_base_chunk(self, dobj)
    331     dobj._chunk_info[0] = weakref.proxy(dobj)
    332 elif getattr(dobj, "_grids", None) is None:
--> 333     gi = dobj.selector.select_grids(
    334         self.grid_left_edge, self.grid_right_edge, self.grid_levels
    335     )
    336     if any(g.filename is not None for g in self.grids[gi]):
    337         _gsort = _grid_sort_mixed

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/selection_objects/, in YTSelectionContainer.selector(self)
     85     self._selector = compose_selector(
     86         self, self._data_source.selector, sclass(self)
     87     )
     88 else:
---> 89     self._selector = sclass(self)
     90 return self._selector

File /tmp/yt/yt/geometry/_selection_routines/region_selector.pxi:60, in yt.geometry.selection_routines.RegionSelector.__init__()

RuntimeError: yt attempted to read outside the boundaries of a non-periodic domain along dimension 0.
Region left edge = -0.0625 code_length, Region right edge = 0.5625 code_length
Dataset left edge = 0.0 code_length, Dataset right edge = 1.0 code_length

This commonly happens when trying to compute ghost cells up to the domain boundary. Two possible solutions are to select a smaller region that does not border domain edge (see
or override the periodicity with

The ParticleTrajectories object trajs is essentially a dictionary-like container for the particle fields along the trajectory, and can be accessed as such:

print(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"])
print(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"].shape)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 1
----> 1 print(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"])
      2 print(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"].shape)

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined

Note that each field is a 2D NumPy array with the different particle indices along the first dimension and the times along the second dimension. As such, we can access them individually by indexing the field:

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][0], trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][0])
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][1], trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][1])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[7], line 2
      1 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
----> 2 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][0], trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][0])
      3 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][1], trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][1])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined
<Figure size 600x600 with 0 Axes>

And we can plot the velocity fields as well:

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_velocity_x"][0], trajs["all", "particle_velocity_y"][0])
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_velocity_x"][1], trajs["all", "particle_velocity_y"][1])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 2
      1 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
----> 2 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_velocity_x"][0], trajs["all", "particle_velocity_y"][0])
      3 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_velocity_x"][1], trajs["all", "particle_velocity_y"][1])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined
<Figure size 600x600 with 0 Axes>

If we want to access the time along the trajectory, we use the key "particle_time":

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(trajs["particle_time"], trajs["particle_velocity_x"][1])
plt.plot(trajs["particle_time"], trajs["particle_velocity_y"][1])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 2
      1 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
----> 2 plt.plot(trajs["particle_time"], trajs["particle_velocity_x"][1])
      3 plt.plot(trajs["particle_time"], trajs["particle_velocity_y"][1])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined
<Figure size 600x600 with 0 Axes>

Alternatively, if we know the particle index we’d like to examine, we can get an individual trajectory corresponding to that index:

particle1 = trajs.trajectory_from_index(1)
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(particle1["all", "particle_time"], particle1["all", "particle_position_x"])
plt.plot(particle1["all", "particle_time"], particle1["all", "particle_position_y"])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 1
----> 1 particle1 = trajs.trajectory_from_index(1)
      2 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
      3 plt.plot(particle1["all", "particle_time"], particle1["all", "particle_position_x"])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined

Now let’s look at a more complicated (and fun!) example. We’ll use an Enzo cosmology dataset. First, we’ll find the maximum density in the domain, and obtain the indices of the particles within some radius of the center. First, let’s have a look at what we’re getting:

ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046")
slc = yt.SlicePlot(
    [("gas", "density"), ("gas", "dark_matter_density")],
    width=(3.0, "Mpc"),

So far, so good–it looks like we’ve centered on a galaxy cluster. Let’s grab all of the dark matter particles within a sphere of 0.5 Mpc (identified by "particle_type == 1"):

sp = ds.sphere("max", (0.5, "Mpc"))
indices = sp["all", "particle_index"][sp["all", "particle_type"] == 1]

Next we’ll get the list of datasets we want, and create trajectories for these particles:

my_fns = glob.glob(join(path, "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD*/*.hierarchy"))
ts = yt.DatasetSeries(my_fns)
trajs = ts.particle_trajectories(indices, fields=fields, suppress_logging=True)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 4
      2 my_fns.sort()
      3 ts = yt.DatasetSeries(my_fns)
----> 4 trajs = ts.particle_trajectories(indices, fields=fields, suppress_logging=True)

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in DatasetSeries.particle_trajectories(self, indices, fields, suppress_logging, ptype)
    384 def particle_trajectories(
    385     self, indices, fields=None, suppress_logging=False, ptype=None
    386 ):
    387     r"""Create a collection of particle trajectories in time over a series of
    388     datasets.
    432     particle disappear.
    433     """
--> 434     return ParticleTrajectories(
    435         self, indices, fields=fields, suppress_logging=suppress_logging, ptype=ptype
    436     )

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in ParticleTrajectories.__init__(self, outputs, indices, fields, suppress_logging, ptype)
    144     self.particle_fields.append(field)
    146 # Instantiate fields the caller requested
--> 147 self._get_data(fields)

File /tmp/yt/yt/data_objects/, in ParticleTrajectories._get_data(self, fields)
    278         cube = grid.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, grid_fields)
    279         for field in grid_fields:
--> 280             CICSample_3(
    281                 x,
    282                 y,
    283                 z,
    284                 pfield[field],
    285                 self.num_indices,
    286                 cube[fds[field]],
    287                 np.array(grid.LeftEdge, dtype="float64"),
    288                 np.array(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype="int32"),
    289       [0],
    290             )
    291 sto.result_id = ds.parameter_filename
    292 sto.result = (self.array_indices[i], pfield)

File /tmp/yt/yt/utilities/lib/particle_mesh_operations.pyx:214, in yt.utilities.lib.particle_mesh_operations.CICSample_3()

ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 3, got 1)

Matplotlib can make 3D plots, so let’s pick three particle trajectories at random and look at them in the volume:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
    trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][100],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][100],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_z"][100],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][8],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][8],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_z"][8],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][25],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][25],
    trajs["all", "particle_position_z"][25],
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[14], line 4
      1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))
      2 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
      3 ax.plot(
----> 4     trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][100],
      5     trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][100],
      6     trajs["all", "particle_position_z"][100],
      7 )
      8 ax.plot(
      9     trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][8],
     10     trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][8],
     11     trajs["all", "particle_position_z"][8],
     12 )
     13 ax.plot(
     14     trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][25],
     15     trajs["all", "particle_position_y"][25],
     16     trajs["all", "particle_position_z"][25],
     17 )

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined

It looks like these three different particles fell into the cluster along different filaments. We can also look at their x-positions only as a function of time:

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][100])
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][8])
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][25])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 2
      1 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
----> 2 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][100])
      3 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][8])
      4 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["all", "particle_position_x"][25])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined
<Figure size 600x600 with 0 Axes>

Suppose we wanted to know the gas density along the particle trajectory, but there wasn’t a particle field corresponding to that in our dataset. Never fear! If the field exists as a grid field, yt will interpolate this field to the particle positions and add the interpolated field to the trajectory. To add such a field (or any field, including additional particle fields) we can call the add_fields method:

trajs.add_fields([("gas", "density")])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[16], line 1
----> 1 trajs.add_fields([("gas", "density")])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined

We also could have included "density" in our original field list. Now, plot up the gas density for each particle as a function of time:

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["gas", "density"][100])
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["gas", "density"][8])
plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["gas", "density"][25])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[17], line 2
      1 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
----> 2 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["gas", "density"][100])
      3 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["gas", "density"][8])
      4 plt.plot(trajs["all", "particle_time"], trajs["gas", "density"][25])

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined
<Figure size 600x600 with 0 Axes>

Finally, the particle trajectories can be written to disk. Two options are provided: ASCII text files with a column for each field and the time, and HDF5 files:

)  # This will write a separate file for each trajectory
)  # This will write all trajectories to a single file
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[18], line 1
----> 1 trajs.write_out(
      2     "halo_trajectories"
      3 )  # This will write a separate file for each trajectory
      4 trajs.write_out_h5(
      5     "halo_trajectories.h5"
      6 )  # This will write all trajectories to a single file

NameError: name 'trajs' is not defined