Geographic Transforms and Projections¶
Loading the GEOS data¶
For this analysis we’ll be loading some global climate data into yt. A frontend does not exist for this dataset yet, so we’ll load it in as a uniform grid with netcdf4.
import os
import re
import netCDF4 as nc4
import numpy as np
import yt
def get_data_path(arg):
if os.path.exists(arg):
return arg
return os.path.join(yt.config.ytcfg.get("yt", "test_data_dir"), arg)
n = nc4.Dataset(get_data_path("geos/GEOS.fp.asm.inst3_3d_aer_Nv.20180822_0900.V01.nc4"))
Using the loaded data we’ll fill arrays with the data dimensions and limits. We’ll also rename vertical level
to altitude
to be clearer.
dims = []
sizes = []
bbox = []
ndims = len(n.dimensions)
for dim in n.dimensions.keys():
size = n.variables[dim].size
if size > 1:
bbox.append([n.variables[dim][:].min(), n.variables[dim][:].max()])
dims.reverse() # Fortran ordering
dims = [f.replace("vertical level", "altitude") for f in dims]
bbox = np.array(bbox)
We’ll also load the data into a container dictionary and create a lookup for the short to the long names
w_regex = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)")
def regex_parser(s):
return "**".join(filter(None,
except AttributeError:
return s
data = {}
names = {}
for field, d in n.variables.items():
if d.ndim != ndims:
units = n.variables[field].units
units = " * ".join(map(regex_parser, units.split()))
data[field] = (np.squeeze(d), str(units))
names[field] = n.variables[field].long_name.replace("_", " ")
Now the data can be loaded with yt’s load_uniform_grid
function. We also need to say that the geometry is a geographic
type. This will ensure that the axes created are matplotlib GeoAxes and that the transform functions are available to use for projections.
ds = yt.load_uniform_grid(data, sizes, 1.0, geometry=("geographic", dims), bbox=bbox)
/tmp/ipykernel_25303/ DeprecationWarning: Received a tuple as geometry=('geographic', ['altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude'])
Use the `axis_order` argument instead.
Deprecated since yt 4.2
ds = yt.load_uniform_grid(data, sizes, 1.0, geometry=("geographic", dims), bbox=bbox)
Default projection with geographic geometry¶
Now that the data is loaded, we can plot it with a yt SlicePlot along the altitude. This will create a figure with latitude and longitude as the plot axes and the colormap will correspond to the air density. Because no projection type has been set, the geographic geometry type assumes that the data is of the PlateCarree
form. The resulting figure will be a Mollweide
p = yt.SlicePlot(ds, "altitude", "AIRDENS")
Note that this doesn’t have a lot of contextual information. We can add annotations for the coastlines just as we would with matplotlib. Before the annotations are set, we need to call p._setup_plots
to make the axes available for annotation.
p = yt.SlicePlot(ds, "altitude", "AIRDENS")
Using geographic transforms to project data¶
If a projection other than the default Mollweide
is desired, then we can pass an argument to the set_mpl_projection()
function to set a different projection than the default. This will set the projection to a Robinson projection.
p = yt.SlicePlot(ds, "altitude", "AIRDENS")