Field List¶
This is a list of many of the fields available in yt. We have attempted to include most of the fields that are accessible through the plugin system, as well as the fields that are known by the frontends, however it is possible to generate many more permutations, particularly through vector operations. For more information about the fields framework, see Fields in yt.
Some fields are recognized by specific frontends only. These are typically
fields like density and temperature that have their own names and units in
the different frontend datasets. Often, these fields are aliased to their
yt-named counterpart fields (typically ‘gas’ fieldtypes). For example, in
frontend, the dens
field (i.e. (flash, dens)
) is aliased
to the gas field density (i.e. (gas, density)
), similarly (flash, velx)
is aliased to (gas, velocity_x)
, and so on. In what follows, if a field
is aliased it will be noted.
Try using the ds.field_list
and ds.derived_field_list
to view the
native and derived fields available for your dataset respectively. For example
to display the native fields in alphabetical order:
To figure out out what all of the field types here mean, see Field types known to yt.
Universal Fields¶
(‘all’, ‘mesh_id’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_mesh_ids(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
ids = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype="float64") - 1
# This is float64 in name only. It will be properly cast inside the
# deposit operation.
# _ids = ids.view("float64")
data.deposit(pos, [ids], method="mesh_id")
return data.apply_units(ids, "")
(‘all’, ‘particle_angular_momentum’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum(field, data):
am = (
data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"].T
return am.T
(‘all’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘all’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘all’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘all’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘all’, ‘particle_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘particle_ones’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_ones(field, data):
v = np.ones(data[ptype, coord_name].shape[0], dtype="float64")
return data.apply_units(v, field.units)
(‘all’, ‘particle_position’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_vectors(field, data):
v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units) for name in names]
return data.ds.arr(np.column_stack(v), v[0].units)
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_r(pos, normal), "code_length")
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_theta(pos, normal), "")
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_z(pos, normal), "code_length")
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_relative_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_relative_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_relative_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_spherical_phi’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_phi(pos, normal), "")
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
and *center* field parameters.
return get_radius(data, "particle_position_",[0])
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_spherical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta coordinate of the particle positions.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_theta(pos, normal), "")
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘particle_position_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘particle_radial_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘all’, ‘particle_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
and *center* field parameters.
return get_radius(data, "particle_position_",[0])
(‘all’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum(field, data):
"""Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.
Returns a vector for each particle.
center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
pos, vel, normal = get_angular_momentum_components(ptype, data, spos, svel)
L, r_vec, v_vec = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos, V=vel)
# adding in the unit registry allows us to have a reference to the
# dataset and thus we will always get the correct units after applying
# the cross product.
return ucross(r_vec, v_vec, registry=data.ds.unit_registry)
(‘all’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_vectors(field, data):
v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units) for name in names]
return data.ds.arr(np.column_stack(v), v[0].units)
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, normal)
cylr = get_cyl_r_component(vel, theta, normal)
return cylr
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, normal)
cylt = get_cyl_theta_component(vel, theta, normal)
return cylt
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
cylz = get_cyl_z_component(vel, normal)
return cylz
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_magnitude(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'x'}"] ** 2
+ data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'y'}"] ** 2
+ data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'z'}"] ** 2
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
sphp = get_sph_phi_component(vel, phi, normal)
return sphp
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle velocities in an
arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_sph_theta(pos, normal)
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
sphr = get_sph_r_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
return sphr
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta component of the particle velocities in an
arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_sph_theta(pos, normal)
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
spht = get_sph_theta_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
return spht
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘particle_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_position’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _relative_particle_position(field, data):
"""The cartesian particle positions in a rotated reference frame
Relative to the coordinate system defined by *center* field parameter.
Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
field_names = [(ptype, f"particle_position_{ax}") for ax in "xyz"]
return obtain_position_vector(data, field_names=field_names).T
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_position_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_position_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_position_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _relative_particle_velocity(field, data):
"""The vector particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *bulk_velocity*
vector field parameter.
Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
field_names = [(ptype, f"particle_velocity_{ax}") for ax in "xyz"]
return obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data, field_names=field_names).T
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘all’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘deposit’, ‘all_cic’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_cic(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method="cic")
d = data.apply_units(d, data[ptype, mass_name].units)
d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_cic_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_cic_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_cic_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_count’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_count(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, method="count")
return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
(‘deposit’, ‘all_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_density(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
mass = data[ptype, mass_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [mass], method="sum")
d = data.ds.arr(d, "code_mass")
d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_mass(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
pmass = data[ptype, mass_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [pmass], method="sum")
return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
(‘deposit’, ‘all_nn_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_nn_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘all_nn_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_cic’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_cic(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method="cic")
d = data.apply_units(d, data[ptype, mass_name].units)
d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_cic_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_cic_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_cic_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_count’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_count(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, method="count")
return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
(‘deposit’, ‘io_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_density(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
mass = data[ptype, mass_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [mass], method="sum")
d = data.ds.arr(d, "code_mass")
d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_mass(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
pmass = data[ptype, mass_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [pmass], method="sum")
return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
(‘deposit’, ‘io_nn_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_nn_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘io_nn_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_cic’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_cic(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method="cic")
d = data.apply_units(d, data[ptype, mass_name].units)
d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_cic_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_cic_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_cic_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_count’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_count(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, method="count")
return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_density(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
mass = data[ptype, mass_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [mass], method="sum")
d = data.ds.arr(d, "code_mass")
d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def particle_mass(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
pmass = data[ptype, mass_name]
d = data.deposit(pos, [pmass], method="sum")
return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_nn_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_nn_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘deposit’, ‘nbody_nn_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _deposit_field(field, data):
Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
# Get back into density
pden = data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
top = data.deposit(pos, [pden * data[ptype, fname]], method=method)
bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
bnz = bottom.nonzero()
top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
d = data.ds.arr(top, units=units)
return d
(‘gas’, ‘alfven_speed’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _alfven_speed(field, data):
B = data[ftype, "magnetic_field_strength"]
return B / np.sqrt(mag_factors(B.units.dimensions) * data[ftype, "density"])
(‘gas’, ‘angular_momentum_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _angular_momentum_x(field, data):
return data[ftype, "mass"] * data[ftype, "specific_angular_momentum_x"]
(‘gas’, ‘angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _angular_momentum_y(field, data):
return data[ftype, "mass"] * data[ftype, "specific_angular_momentum_y"]
(‘gas’, ‘angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _angular_momentum_z(field, data):
return data[ftype, "mass"] * data[ftype, "specific_angular_momentum_z"]
(‘gas’, ‘averaged_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _averaged_field(field, data):
def atleast_4d(array):
if array.ndim == 3:
return array[..., None]
return array
nx, ny, nz, ngrids = atleast_4d(data[ftype, basename]).shape
new_field = data.ds.arr(
np.zeros((nx - 2, ny - 2, nz - 2, ngrids), dtype=np.float64),
(just_one(data[ftype, basename]) * just_one(data[ftype, weight])).units,
weight_field = data.ds.arr(
np.zeros((nx - 2, ny - 2, nz - 2, ngrids), dtype=np.float64),
data[ftype, weight].units,
i_i, j_i, k_i = np.mgrid[0:3, 0:3, 0:3]
for i, j, k in zip(i_i.ravel(), j_i.ravel(), k_i.ravel()):
sl = (
slice(i, nx - (2 - i)),
slice(j, ny - (2 - j)),
slice(k, nz - (2 - k)),
new_field += (
atleast_4d(data[ftype, basename])[sl]
* atleast_4d(data[ftype, weight])[sl]
weight_field += atleast_4d(data[ftype, weight])[sl]
# Now some fancy footwork
new_field2 = data.ds.arr(
np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ngrids)), data[ftype, basename].units
new_field2[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = new_field / weight_field
if data[ftype, basename].ndim == 3:
return new_field2[..., 0]
return new_field2
(‘gas’, ‘baroclinic_vorticity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘baroclinic_vorticity_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _baroclinic_vorticity_x(field, data):
rho2 = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) ** 2
return (
data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"]
- data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"]
) / rho2
(‘gas’, ‘baroclinic_vorticity_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _baroclinic_vorticity_y(field, data):
rho2 = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) ** 2
return (
data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"]
- data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"]
) / rho2
(‘gas’, ‘baroclinic_vorticity_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _baroclinic_vorticity_z(field, data):
rho2 = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) ** 2
return (
data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_y"]
- data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"]
) / rho2
(‘gas’, ‘baryon_overdensity’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _baryon_overdensity(field, data):
if (
not hasattr(data.ds, "cosmological_simulation")
or not data.ds.cosmological_simulation
raise NeedsConfiguration("cosmological_simulation", 1)
omega_baryon = data.get_field_parameter("omega_baryon")
if omega_baryon is None:
raise NeedsParameter("omega_baryon")
co = data.ds.cosmology
# critical_density(z) ~ omega_lambda + omega_matter * (1 + z)^3
# mean matter density(z) ~ omega_matter * (1 + z)^3
return (
data[ftype, "density"]
/ omega_baryon
/ co.critical_density(0.0)
/ (1.0 + data.ds.current_redshift) ** 3
(‘gas’, ‘cell_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _cell_mass(field, data):
return data[ftype, "density"] * data[ftype, "cell_volume"]
(‘gas’, ‘cell_volume’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{3}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘courant_time_step’)¶
Units: \(\rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _courant_time_step(field, data):
t1 = data[ftype, "dx"] / (
data[ftype, "sound_speed"] + np.abs(data[ftype, "velocity_x"])
t2 = data[ftype, "dy"] / (
data[ftype, "sound_speed"] + np.abs(data[ftype, "velocity_y"])
t3 = data[ftype, "dz"] / (
data[ftype, "sound_speed"] + np.abs(data[ftype, "velocity_z"])
tr = np.minimum(np.minimum(t1, t2), t3)
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘cutting_plane_magnetic_field_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cp_val(field, data):
vec = data.get_field_parameter(f"cp_{ax}_vec")
tr = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"] * vec.d[0]
tr += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"] * vec.d[1]
tr += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"] * vec.d[2]
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘cutting_plane_magnetic_field_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cp_val(field, data):
vec = data.get_field_parameter(f"cp_{ax}_vec")
tr = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"] * vec.d[0]
tr += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"] * vec.d[1]
tr += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"] * vec.d[2]
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘cutting_plane_magnetic_field_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cp_val(field, data):
vec = data.get_field_parameter(f"cp_{ax}_vec")
tr = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"] * vec.d[0]
tr += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"] * vec.d[1]
tr += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"] * vec.d[2]
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘cutting_plane_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cp_val(field, data):
vec = data.get_field_parameter(f"cp_{ax}_vec")
tr = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"] * vec.d[0]
tr += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"] * vec.d[1]
tr += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"] * vec.d[2]
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘cutting_plane_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cp_val(field, data):
vec = data.get_field_parameter(f"cp_{ax}_vec")
tr = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"] * vec.d[0]
tr += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"] * vec.d[1]
tr += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"] * vec.d[2]
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘cutting_plane_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cp_val(field, data):
vec = data.get_field_parameter(f"cp_{ax}_vec")
tr = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"] * vec.d[0]
tr += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"] * vec.d[1]
tr += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"] * vec.d[2]
return tr
(‘gas’, ‘dark_matter_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘density_gradient_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{4}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘density_gradient_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{4}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def func(field, data):
block_order = getattr(data, "_block_order", "C")
if block_order == "F":
# Fortran-ordering: we need to swap axes here and
# reswap below
field_data = data[grad_field].swapaxes(0, 2)
field_data = data[grad_field]
dx = div_fac * data[ftype, f"d{ax}"]
if ax == "theta":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"]
if ax == "phi":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"] * np.sin(data[ftype, "theta"])
f = field_data[slice_3dr] / dx[slice_3d]
f -= field_data[slice_3dl] / dx[slice_3d]
new_field = np.zeros_like(data[grad_field], dtype=np.float64)
new_field = data.ds.arr(new_field, field_data.units / dx.units)
new_field[slice_3d] = f
if block_order == "F":
new_field = new_field.swapaxes(0, 2)
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘density_gradient_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{4}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def func(field, data):
block_order = getattr(data, "_block_order", "C")
if block_order == "F":
# Fortran-ordering: we need to swap axes here and
# reswap below
field_data = data[grad_field].swapaxes(0, 2)
field_data = data[grad_field]
dx = div_fac * data[ftype, f"d{ax}"]
if ax == "theta":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"]
if ax == "phi":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"] * np.sin(data[ftype, "theta"])
f = field_data[slice_3dr] / dx[slice_3d]
f -= field_data[slice_3dl] / dx[slice_3d]
new_field = np.zeros_like(data[grad_field], dtype=np.float64)
new_field = data.ds.arr(new_field, field_data.units / dx.units)
new_field[slice_3d] = f
if block_order == "F":
new_field = new_field.swapaxes(0, 2)
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘density_gradient_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{4}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def func(field, data):
block_order = getattr(data, "_block_order", "C")
if block_order == "F":
# Fortran-ordering: we need to swap axes here and
# reswap below
field_data = data[grad_field].swapaxes(0, 2)
field_data = data[grad_field]
dx = div_fac * data[ftype, f"d{ax}"]
if ax == "theta":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"]
if ax == "phi":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"] * np.sin(data[ftype, "theta"])
f = field_data[slice_3dr] / dx[slice_3d]
f -= field_data[slice_3dl] / dx[slice_3d]
new_field = np.zeros_like(data[grad_field], dtype=np.float64)
new_field = data.ds.arr(new_field, field_data.units / dx.units)
new_field[slice_3d] = f
if block_order == "F":
new_field = new_field.swapaxes(0, 2)
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘di_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘dii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘dx’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘dy’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘dynamical_time’)¶
Units: \(\rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _dynamical_time(field, data):
sqrt(3 pi / (16 G rho))
return np.sqrt(3.0 * np.pi / (16.0 * pc.G * data[ftype, "density"]))
(‘gas’, ‘dz’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘four_velocity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘four_velocity_t’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _four_velocity_t(field, data):
return data["gas", "lorentz_factor"] * pc.clight
(‘gas’, ‘four_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _four_velocity(field, data):
return data["gas", f"velocity_{u}"] * data["gas", "lorentz_factor"]
(‘gas’, ‘four_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _four_velocity(field, data):
return data["gas", f"velocity_{u}"] * data["gas", "lorentz_factor"]
(‘gas’, ‘four_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _four_velocity(field, data):
return data["gas", f"velocity_{u}"] * data["gas", "lorentz_factor"]
(‘gas’, ‘h2i_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘h2ii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘h2m_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘hdi_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘hei_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘heii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘heiii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘hi_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘hii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘jeans_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _jeans_mass(field, data):
MJ_constant = (((5.0 * pc.kboltz) / (pc.G * ** 1.5) * (
3.0 / (4.0 * np.pi)
) ** 0.5
u = (
* (
(data[ftype, "temperature"] / data[ftype, "mean_molecular_weight"])
** 1.5
* (data[ftype, "density"] ** (-0.5))
return u
(‘gas’, ‘kT’)¶
Units: \(\rm{keV}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _kT(field, data):
return (pc.kboltz * data[ftype, "temperature"]).in_units("keV")
(‘gas’, ‘kinetic_energy_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{dyn}}{\rm{cm}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _kinetic_energy_density(field, data):
v = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data)
return 0.5 * data[ftype, "density"] * (v**2).sum(axis=0)
(‘gas’, ‘lorentz_factor’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _lorentz_factor(field, data):
b2 = data[ftype, "velocity_magnitude"].to_value("c")
b2 *= b2
return 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - b2)
(‘gas’, ‘mach_alfven’)¶
Units: :math:``
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _mach_alfven(field, data):
return data[ftype, "velocity_magnitude"] / data[ftype, "alfven_speed"]
(‘gas’, ‘mach_number’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _mach_number(field, data):
return data[ftype, "velocity_magnitude"] / data[ftype, "sound_speed"]
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_energy_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{dyn}}{\rm{cm}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnetic_energy_density(field, data):
B = data[ftype, "magnetic_field_strength"]
return 0.5 * B * B / mag_factors(B.units.dimensions)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cylindrical_radius_component(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "cylindrical_theta"]
return get_cyl_r_component(vectors, theta, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cylindrical_theta_component(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "cylindrical_theta"].copy()
theta = np.tile(theta, (3,) + (1,) * len(theta.shape))
return get_cyl_theta_component(vectors, theta, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cylindrical_z_component(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
return get_cyl_z_component(vectors, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_divergence’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\sqrt{\rm{g}}}{\rm{cm}^{3/2} \cdot \rm{s}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _divergence(field, data):
ds = div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"])
f = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"][sl_right, 1:-1, 1:-1] / ds
f -= data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"][sl_left, 1:-1, 1:-1] / ds
ds = div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"])
f += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"][1:-1, sl_right, 1:-1] / ds
f -= data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"][1:-1, sl_left, 1:-1] / ds
ds = div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"])
f += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"][1:-1, 1:-1, sl_right] / ds
f -= data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"][1:-1, 1:-1, sl_left] / ds
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros(data[xn].shape, dtype=np.float64), f.units)
new_field[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_divergence_absolute’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\sqrt{\rm{g}}}{\rm{cm}^{3/2} \cdot \rm{s}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _divergence_abs(field, data):
return np.abs(data[ftype, f"{basename}_divergence"])
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_los’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _los_field(field, data):
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fns = [(fc[0], f"relative_{fc[1]}") for fc in field_comps]
fns = field_comps
ax = data.get_field_parameter("axis")
if is_sequence(ax):
# Make sure this is a unit vector
ax /= np.sqrt(, ax))
ret = data[fns[0]] * ax[0] + data[fns[1]] * ax[1] + data[fns[2]] * ax[2]
elif ax in [0, 1, 2]:
ret = data[fns[ax]]
raise NeedsParameter(["axis"])
return ret
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_poloidal’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _DeprecatedFieldFunc(field, data):
# Only log a warning if we've already done
# field detection
if data.ds.fields_detected:
args = [, since]
msg = "The Derived Field %s is deprecated as of yt v%s "
if removal is not None:
msg += "and will be removed in yt v%s "
if ret_field !=
msg += ", use %s instead"
mylog.warning(msg, *args)
return func(field, data)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude(field, data):
B2 = (
data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_x"]
* data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_x"]
+ data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_y"]
* data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_y"]
+ data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_z"]
* data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_z"]
Bt2 = (
data[ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_phi"]
* data[ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_phi"]
return np.sqrt(B2 - Bt2)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_spherical_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _spherical_phi_component(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
phi = data["index", "spherical_phi"]
return get_sph_phi_component(vectors, phi, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _spherical_radius_component(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "spherical_theta"]
phi = data["index", "spherical_phi"]
rv = get_sph_r_component(vectors, theta, phi, normal)
# Now, anywhere that radius is in fact zero, we want to zero out our
# return values.
rv[np.isnan(theta)] = 0.0
return rv
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_spherical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _spherical_theta_component(field, data):
"""The spherical theta component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "spherical_theta"]
phi = data["index", "spherical_phi"]
return get_sph_theta_component(vectors, theta, phi, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_strength’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnetic_field_strength(field, data):
xm = f"relative_magnetic_field_{axis_names[0]}"
ym = f"relative_magnetic_field_{axis_names[1]}"
zm = f"relative_magnetic_field_{axis_names[2]}"
B2 = (data[ftype, xm]) ** 2 + (data[ftype, ym]) ** 2 + (data[ftype, zm]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(B2)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_toroidal’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _DeprecatedFieldFunc(field, data):
# Only log a warning if we've already done
# field detection
if data.ds.fields_detected:
args = [, since]
msg = "The Derived Field %s is deprecated as of yt v%s "
if removal is not None:
msg += "and will be removed in yt v%s "
if ret_field !=
msg += ", use %s instead"
mylog.warning(msg, *args)
return func(field, data)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _mag_field(field, data):
return data[fd].to(field.units)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _mag_field(field, data):
return data[fd].to(field.units)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_field_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _mag_field(field, data):
return data[fd].to(field.units)
(‘gas’, ‘magnetic_pressure’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{dyn}}{\rm{cm}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnetic_pressure(field, data):
return data[ftype, "magnetic_energy_density"]
(‘gas’, ‘mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘matter_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _matter_density(field, data):
return data[ftype, "density"] + data[ftype, "dark_matter_density"]
(‘gas’, ‘matter_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _matter_mass(field, data):
return data[ftype, "matter_density"] * data["index", "cell_volume"]
(‘gas’, ‘matter_overdensity’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _matter_overdensity(field, data):
if (
not hasattr(data.ds, "cosmological_simulation")
or not data.ds.cosmological_simulation
raise NeedsConfiguration("cosmological_simulation", 1)
co = data.ds.cosmology
# critical_density(z) ~ omega_lambda + omega_matter * (1 + z)^3
# mean density(z) ~ omega_matter * (1 + z)^3
return (
data[ftype, "matter_density"]
/ data.ds.omega_matter
/ co.critical_density(0.0)
/ (1.0 + data.ds.current_redshift) ** 3
(‘gas’, ‘mean_molecular_weight’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _mean_molecular_weight(field, data):
return data[ftype, "density"] / ( * data[ftype, "number_density"])
(‘gas’, ‘metal_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘metal_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _metal_mass(field, data):
Z = data[ftype, "metallicity"].to("dimensionless")
return Z * data[ftype, "mass"]
(‘gas’, ‘metallicity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{Z}_\odot\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘momentum_density_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _momd(field, data):
return data["gas", "density"] * data["gas", f"velocity_{v}"]
(‘gas’, ‘momentum_density_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _momd(field, data):
return data["gas", "density"] * data["gas", f"velocity_{v}"]
(‘gas’, ‘momentum_density_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _momd(field, data):
return data["gas", "density"] * data["gas", f"velocity_{v}"]
(‘gas’, ‘momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _momm(field, data):
return data["gas", "mass"] * data["gas", f"velocity_{v}"]
(‘gas’, ‘momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _momm(field, data):
return data["gas", "mass"] * data["gas", f"velocity_{v}"]
(‘gas’, ‘momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _momm(field, data):
return data["gas", "mass"] * data["gas", f"velocity_{v}"]
(‘gas’, ‘number_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘overdensity’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _overdensity(field, data):
if (
not hasattr(data.ds, "cosmological_simulation")
or not data.ds.cosmological_simulation
raise NeedsConfiguration("cosmological_simulation", 1)
co = data.ds.cosmology
return data[ftype, "matter_density"] / co.critical_density(
(‘gas’, ‘path_element_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘path_element_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘path_element_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘plasma_beta’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _plasma_beta(field, data):
return data[ftype, "pressure"] / data[ftype, "magnetic_energy_density"]
(‘gas’, ‘pressure’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{dyn}}{\rm{cm}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘pressure_gradient_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘pressure_gradient_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def func(field, data):
block_order = getattr(data, "_block_order", "C")
if block_order == "F":
# Fortran-ordering: we need to swap axes here and
# reswap below
field_data = data[grad_field].swapaxes(0, 2)
field_data = data[grad_field]
dx = div_fac * data[ftype, f"d{ax}"]
if ax == "theta":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"]
if ax == "phi":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"] * np.sin(data[ftype, "theta"])
f = field_data[slice_3dr] / dx[slice_3d]
f -= field_data[slice_3dl] / dx[slice_3d]
new_field = np.zeros_like(data[grad_field], dtype=np.float64)
new_field = data.ds.arr(new_field, field_data.units / dx.units)
new_field[slice_3d] = f
if block_order == "F":
new_field = new_field.swapaxes(0, 2)
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘pressure_gradient_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def func(field, data):
block_order = getattr(data, "_block_order", "C")
if block_order == "F":
# Fortran-ordering: we need to swap axes here and
# reswap below
field_data = data[grad_field].swapaxes(0, 2)
field_data = data[grad_field]
dx = div_fac * data[ftype, f"d{ax}"]
if ax == "theta":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"]
if ax == "phi":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"] * np.sin(data[ftype, "theta"])
f = field_data[slice_3dr] / dx[slice_3d]
f -= field_data[slice_3dl] / dx[slice_3d]
new_field = np.zeros_like(data[grad_field], dtype=np.float64)
new_field = data.ds.arr(new_field, field_data.units / dx.units)
new_field[slice_3d] = f
if block_order == "F":
new_field = new_field.swapaxes(0, 2)
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘pressure_gradient_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def func(field, data):
block_order = getattr(data, "_block_order", "C")
if block_order == "F":
# Fortran-ordering: we need to swap axes here and
# reswap below
field_data = data[grad_field].swapaxes(0, 2)
field_data = data[grad_field]
dx = div_fac * data[ftype, f"d{ax}"]
if ax == "theta":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"]
if ax == "phi":
dx *= data[ftype, "r"] * np.sin(data[ftype, "theta"])
f = field_data[slice_3dr] / dx[slice_3d]
f -= field_data[slice_3dl] / dx[slice_3d]
new_field = np.zeros_like(data[grad_field], dtype=np.float64)
new_field = data.ds.arr(new_field, field_data.units / dx.units)
new_field[slice_3d] = f
if block_order == "F":
new_field = new_field.swapaxes(0, 2)
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘radial_mach_number’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _radial_mach_number(field, data):
"""Radial component of M{|v|/c_sound}"""
tr = data[ftype, "radial_velocity"] / data[ftype, "sound_speed"]
return np.abs(tr)
(‘gas’, ‘radial_magnetic_field’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _radial(field, data):
return data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_radius"]
(‘gas’, ‘radial_magnetic_field_absolute’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _radial_absolute(field, data):
return np.abs(data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_radius"])
(‘gas’, ‘radial_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _radial(field, data):
return data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_radius"]
(‘gas’, ‘radial_velocity_absolute’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _radial_absolute(field, data):
return np.abs(data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_radius"])
(‘gas’, ‘radiation_acceleration_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{cm}}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘radiation_acceleration_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{cm}}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘radiation_acceleration_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{cm}}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘relative_magnetic_field_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _relative_vector(field, data):
iax = axis_order.index(ax)
d = data[field_components[iax]]
bulk = get_bulk(data, basename, d.unit_quantity)
return d - bulk[iax]
(‘gas’, ‘relative_magnetic_field_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _relative_vector(field, data):
iax = axis_order.index(ax)
d = data[field_components[iax]]
bulk = get_bulk(data, basename, d.unit_quantity)
return d - bulk[iax]
(‘gas’, ‘relative_magnetic_field_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _relative_vector(field, data):
iax = axis_order.index(ax)
d = data[field_components[iax]]
bulk = get_bulk(data, basename, d.unit_quantity)
return d - bulk[iax]
(‘gas’, ‘relative_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _relative_vector(field, data):
iax = axis_order.index(ax)
d = data[field_components[iax]]
bulk = get_bulk(data, basename, d.unit_quantity)
return d - bulk[iax]
(‘gas’, ‘relative_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _relative_vector(field, data):
iax = axis_order.index(ax)
d = data[field_components[iax]]
bulk = get_bulk(data, basename, d.unit_quantity)
return d - bulk[iax]
(‘gas’, ‘relative_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _relative_vector(field, data):
iax = axis_order.index(ax)
d = data[field_components[iax]]
bulk = get_bulk(data, basename, d.unit_quantity)
return d - bulk[iax]
(‘gas’, ‘shear’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _shear(field, data):
Shear is defined as [(dvx/dy + dvy/dx)^2 + (dvz/dy + dvy/dz)^2 +
(dvx/dz + dvz/dx)^2 ]^(0.5)
where dvx/dy = [vx(j-1) - vx(j+1)]/[2dy]
and is in units of s^(-1)
(it's just like vorticity except add the derivative pairs instead
of subtracting them)
if data.ds.geometry != "cartesian":
raise NotImplementedError("shear is only supported in cartesian geometries")
vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"]
vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"]
except YTFieldNotFound as e:
raise YTDimensionalityError(
"shear computation requires 2 velocity components"
) from e
dvydx = (
vy[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vy[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"]))
dvxdy = (
vx[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vx[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"]))
f = (dvydx + dvxdy) ** 2.0
del dvydx, dvxdy
vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"]
dvzdy = (
vz[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vz[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"]))
dvydz = (
vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"]))
f += (dvzdy + dvydz) ** 2.0
del dvzdy, dvydz
dvxdz = (
vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"]))
dvzdx = (
vz[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vz[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"]))
f += (dvxdz + dvzdx) ** 2.0
del dvxdz, dvzdx
except YTFieldNotFound:
# the absence of a z velocity component is not blocking
np.sqrt(f, out=f)
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(data[ftype, "velocity_x"]), f.units)
new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘shear_criterion’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _shear_criterion(field, data):
Divide by c_s to leave shear in units of length**-1, which
can be compared against the inverse of the local cell size (1/dx)
to determine if refinement should occur.
return data[ftype, "shear"] / data[ftype, "sound_speed"]
(‘gas’, ‘shear_mach’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _shear_mach(field, data):
Dimensionless shear (shear_mach) is defined nearly the same as shear,
except that it is scaled by the local dx/dy/dz and the local sound speed.
So it results in a unitless quantity that is effectively measuring
shear in mach number.
In order to avoid discontinuities created by multiplying by dx/dy/dz at
grid refinement boundaries, we also multiply by 2**GridLevel.
Shear (Mach) = [(dvx + dvy)^2 + (dvz + dvy)^2 +
(dvx + dvz)^2 ]^(0.5) / c_sound
if data.ds.geometry != "cartesian":
raise NotImplementedError(
"shear_mach is only supported in cartesian geometries"
vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"]
vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"]
except YTFieldNotFound as e:
raise YTDimensionalityError(
"shear_mach computation requires 2 velocity components"
) from e
dvydx = (
vy[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vy[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]
) / div_fac
dvxdy = (
vx[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vx[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]
) / div_fac
f = (dvydx + dvxdy) ** 2.0
del dvydx, dvxdy
vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"]
dvzdy = (
vz[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vz[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]
) / div_fac
dvydz = (
vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]
) / div_fac
f += (dvzdy + dvydz) ** 2.0
del dvzdy, dvydz
dvxdz = (
vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]
) / div_fac
dvzdx = (
vz[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vz[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]
) / div_fac
f += (dvxdz + dvzdx) ** 2.0
del dvxdz, dvzdx
except YTFieldNotFound:
# the absence of a z velocity component is not blocking
f *= (
2.0 ** data["index", "grid_level"][sl_center, sl_center, sl_center]
/ data[ftype, "sound_speed"][sl_center, sl_center, sl_center]
) ** 2.0
np.sqrt(f, out=f)
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vx), f.units)
new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘sound_speed’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _sound_speed(field, data):
tr = data.ds.gamma * data[ftype, "pressure"] / data[ftype, "density"]
return np.sqrt(tr)
(‘gas’, ‘specific_angular_momentum_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘specific_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _specific_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
xv, yv, zv = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data)
rv = obtain_position_vector(data)
units = rv.units
rv = np.rollaxis(rv, 0, len(rv.shape))
rv = data.ds.arr(rv, units=units)
return rv[..., 1] * zv - rv[..., 2] * yv
(‘gas’, ‘specific_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _specific_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
xv, yv, zv = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data)
rv = obtain_position_vector(data)
units = rv.units
rv = np.rollaxis(rv, 0, len(rv.shape))
rv = data.ds.arr(rv, units=units)
return rv[..., 2] * xv - rv[..., 0] * zv
(‘gas’, ‘specific_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _specific_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
xv, yv, zv = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data)
rv = obtain_position_vector(data)
units = rv.units
rv = np.rollaxis(rv, 0, len(rv.shape))
rv = data.ds.arr(rv, units=units)
return rv[..., 0] * yv - rv[..., 1] * xv
(‘gas’, ‘specific_thermal_energy’)¶
Units: \(\rm{erg} / \rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘tangential_magnetic_field’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _tangential(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_theta"] ** 2.0
+ data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_phi"] ** 2.0
(‘gas’, ‘tangential_over_magnetic_field_magnitude’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _tangential_over_magnitude(field, data):
tr = (
data[ftype, f"tangential_{basename}"]
/ data[ftype, f"{basename}_magnitude"]
return np.abs(tr)
(‘gas’, ‘tangential_over_velocity_magnitude’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _tangential_over_magnitude(field, data):
tr = (
data[ftype, f"tangential_{basename}"]
/ data[ftype, f"{basename}_magnitude"]
return np.abs(tr)
(‘gas’, ‘tangential_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _tangential(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_theta"] ** 2.0
+ data[ftype, f"{basename}_spherical_phi"] ** 2.0
(‘gas’, ‘temperature’)¶
Units: \(\rm{K}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cylindrical_radius_component(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "cylindrical_theta"]
return get_cyl_r_component(vectors, theta, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cylindrical_theta_component(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "cylindrical_theta"].copy()
theta = np.tile(theta, (3,) + (1,) * len(theta.shape))
return get_cyl_theta_component(vectors, theta, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _cylindrical_z_component(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
return get_cyl_z_component(vectors, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_divergence’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _divergence(field, data):
ds = div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"])
f = data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"][sl_right, 1:-1, 1:-1] / ds
f -= data[xn[0], f"relative_{xn[1]}"][sl_left, 1:-1, 1:-1] / ds
ds = div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"])
f += data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"][1:-1, sl_right, 1:-1] / ds
f -= data[yn[0], f"relative_{yn[1]}"][1:-1, sl_left, 1:-1] / ds
ds = div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"])
f += data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"][1:-1, 1:-1, sl_right] / ds
f -= data[zn[0], f"relative_{zn[1]}"][1:-1, 1:-1, sl_left] / ds
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros(data[xn].shape, dtype=np.float64), f.units)
new_field[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_divergence_absolute’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _divergence_abs(field, data):
return np.abs(data[ftype, f"{basename}_divergence"])
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_los’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _los_field(field, data):
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fns = [(fc[0], f"relative_{fc[1]}") for fc in field_comps]
fns = field_comps
ax = data.get_field_parameter("axis")
if is_sequence(ax):
# Make sure this is a unit vector
ax /= np.sqrt(, ax))
ret = data[fns[0]] * ax[0] + data[fns[1]] * ax[1] + data[fns[2]] * ax[2]
elif ax in [0, 1, 2]:
ret = data[fns[ax]]
raise NeedsParameter(["axis"])
return ret
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_r’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_spherical_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _spherical_phi_component(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
phi = data["index", "spherical_phi"]
return get_sph_phi_component(vectors, phi, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _spherical_radius_component(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "spherical_theta"]
phi = data["index", "spherical_phi"]
rv = get_sph_r_component(vectors, theta, phi, normal)
# Now, anywhere that radius is in fact zero, we want to zero out our
# return values.
rv[np.isnan(theta)] = 0.0
return rv
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_spherical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _spherical_theta_component(field, data):
"""The spherical theta component of the vector field
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*center*, and *bulk_* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vectors = obtain_relative_velocity_vector(
data, (xn, yn, zn), f"bulk_{basename}"
theta = data["index", "spherical_theta"]
phi = data["index", "spherical_phi"]
return get_sph_theta_component(vectors, theta, phi, normal)
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘vertex_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘vertex_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘vertex_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘volume’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{3}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_growth_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_growth_magnitude(field, data):
result = np.sqrt(
data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_x"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_y"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_z"] ** 2
dot = data.ds.arr(np.zeros(result.shape), "")
for ax in "xyz":
dot += (
data[ftype, f"vorticity_{ax}"] * data[ftype, f"vorticity_growth_{ax}"]
result = np.sign(dot) * result
return result
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_growth_magnitude_absolute’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_growth_magnitude_absolute(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_x"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_y"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_z"] ** 2
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_growth_timescale’)¶
Units: \(\rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_growth_timescale(field, data):
domegax_dt = data[ftype, "vorticity_x"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_x"]
domegay_dt = data[ftype, "vorticity_y"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_y"]
domegaz_dt = data[ftype, "vorticity_z"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_z"]
return np.sqrt(domegax_dt**2 + domegay_dt**2 + domegaz_dt**2)
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_growth_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_growth_x(field, data):
return (
-data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_x"]
- data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_x"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_growth_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_growth_y(field, data):
return (
-data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_y"]
- data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_y"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_growth_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_growth_z(field, data):
return (
-data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_z"]
- data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_z"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude(field, data):
result = np.sqrt(
data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z"] ** 2
dot = data.ds.arr(np.zeros(result.shape), "")
for ax in "xyz":
dot += (
data[ftype, f"vorticity_{ax}"] * data[ftype, f"vorticity_growth_{ax}"]
result = np.sign(dot) * result
return result
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude_absolute’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude_absolute(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y"] ** 2
+ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z"] ** 2
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_timescale’)¶
Units: \(\rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_timescale(field, data):
domegax_dt = (
data[ftype, "vorticity_x"]
/ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x"]
domegay_dt = (
data[ftype, "vorticity_y"]
/ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y"]
domegaz_dt = (
data[ftype, "vorticity_z"]
/ data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z"]
return np.sqrt(domegax_dt**2 + domegay_dt**2 + domegaz_dt**2)
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x(field, data):
return (
-data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_x"]
- data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_x"]
- data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_x"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y(field, data):
return (
-data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_y"]
- data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_y"]
- data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_y"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z(field, data):
return (
-data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_z"]
- data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_z"]
- data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_z"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_x(field, data):
rho = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False)
return (
data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"]
- data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_z"]
* data[ftype, "density_gradient_y"]
) / rho
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_y(field, data):
rho = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False)
return (
data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"]
- data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_x"]
* data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"]
) / rho
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_radiation_pressure_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_z(field, data):
rho = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False)
return (
data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_y"]
- data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_y"]
* data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"]
) / rho
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_squared’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _squared(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
squared = data[fn] * data[fn]
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
squared += data[fn] * data[fn]
return squared
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_stretching_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_stretching_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_stretching_x(field, data):
return data[ftype, "velocity_divergence"] * data[ftype, "vorticity_x"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_stretching_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_stretching_y(field, data):
return data[ftype, "velocity_divergence"] * data[ftype, "vorticity_y"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_stretching_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_stretching_z(field, data):
return data[ftype, "velocity_divergence"] * data[ftype, "vorticity_z"]
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_x’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_x(field, data):
vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"]
vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"]
f = (vz[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vz[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]) / (
div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"])
f -= (
vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"]))
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vz, dtype=np.float64), f.units)
new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_y’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_y(field, data):
vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"]
vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"]
f = (vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]) / (
div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"])
f -= (
vz[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vz[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"]))
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vz, dtype=np.float64), f.units)
new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘vorticity_z’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vorticity_z(field, data):
vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"]
vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"]
f = (vy[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vy[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]) / (
div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"])
f -= (
vx[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vx[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]
) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"]))
new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vy, dtype=np.float64), f.units)
new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f
return new_field
(‘gas’, ‘weak_lensing_convergence’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _weak_lensing_convergence(field, data):
if (
not hasattr(data.ds, "cosmological_simulation")
or not data.ds.cosmological_simulation
raise NeedsConfiguration("cosmological_simulation", 1)
co = data.ds.cosmology
pc = data.ds.units.physical_constants
observer_redshift = data.get_field_parameter("observer_redshift")
source_redshift = data.get_field_parameter("source_redshift")
# observer to lens
dl = co.angular_diameter_distance(observer_redshift, data.ds.current_redshift)
# observer to source
ds = co.angular_diameter_distance(observer_redshift, source_redshift)
# lens to source
dls = co.angular_diameter_distance(data.ds.current_redshift, source_redshift)
# removed the factor of 1 / a to account for the fact that we are projecting
# with a proper distance.
return (
* (co.hubble_constant / pc.clight) ** 2
* (dl * dls / ds)
* data[ftype, "matter_overdensity"]
(‘gas’, ‘x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘gas’, ‘z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘index’, ‘cell_volume’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}^{3}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _cell_volume(field, data):
rv = data["index", "dx"].copy(order="K")
rv *= data["index", "dy"]
rv *= data["index", "dz"]
return rv
(‘index’, ‘cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the positions of the mesh cells.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and
*center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
coords = get_periodic_rvec(data)
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_r(coords, normal), "code_length").in_base(
(‘index’, ‘cylindrical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the positions of the mesh cells.
theta is the azimuthal position angle in the plane perpendicular to the
*normal* vector.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and
*center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
coords = get_periodic_rvec(data)
return get_cyl_theta(coords, normal)
(‘index’, ‘cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the positions of the mesh cells.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and
*center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
coords = get_periodic_rvec(data)
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_z(coords, normal), "code_length").in_base(
(‘index’, ‘dx’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _dds(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fwidth[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘dy’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _dds(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fwidth[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘dz’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _dds(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fwidth[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘grid_indices’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _grid_indices(field, data):
"""The index of the leaf grid the mesh cells exist on"""
if hasattr(data, "domain_id"):
this_id = data.domain_id
this_id = - data._id_offset
arr = np.ones(data["index", "ones"].shape)
arr *= this_id
if data._spatial:
return data._reshape_vals(arr)
return arr
(‘index’, ‘grid_level’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _grid_level(field, data):
"""The AMR refinement level"""
arr = np.ones(data.ires.shape, dtype="float64")
arr *= data.ires
if data._spatial:
return data._reshape_vals(arr)
return arr
(‘index’, ‘morton_index’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _morton_index(field, data):
"""This is the morton index, which is properly a uint64 field. Because
we make some assumptions that the fields returned by derived fields are
float64, this returns a "view" on the data that is float64. To get
back the original uint64, you need to call .view("uint64") on it;
however, it should be true that if you sort the uint64, you will get
the same order as if you sort the float64 view.
eps = np.finfo("f8").eps
uq = data.ds.domain_left_edge.uq
LE = data.ds.domain_left_edge - eps * uq
RE = data.ds.domain_right_edge + eps * uq
# .ravel() only copies if it needs to
morton = compute_morton(
data["index", "x"].ravel(),
data["index", "y"].ravel(),
data["index", "z"].ravel(),
morton.shape = data["index", "x"].shape
return morton.view("f8")
(‘index’, ‘ones’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _ones(field, data):
"""Returns one for all cells"""
tmp = np.ones(data.ires.shape, dtype="float64")
arr = data.apply_units(tmp, field.units)
if data._spatial:
return data._reshape_vals(arr)
return arr
(‘index’, ‘ones_over_dx’)¶
Units: \(1 / \rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _ones_over_dx(field, data):
"""The inverse of the local cell spacing"""
return (
np.ones(data["index", "ones"].shape, dtype="float64") / data["index", "dx"]
(‘index’, ‘path_element_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _dds(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fwidth[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘path_element_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _dds(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fwidth[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘path_element_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _dds(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fwidth[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the mesh cells.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* field
return get_radius(data, "",[0])
(‘index’, ‘spherical_phi’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the positions of the mesh cells.
phi is the azimuthal position angle in the plane perpendicular to the
*normal* vector
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* and *normal*
field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
coords = get_periodic_rvec(data)
return get_sph_phi(coords, normal)
(‘index’, ‘spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _spherical_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the positions of the mesh cells.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* field
coords = get_periodic_rvec(data)
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_r(coords), "code_length").in_base(
(‘index’, ‘spherical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta component of the positions of the mesh cells.
theta is the poloidal position angle in the plane parallel to the
*normal* vector
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* and *normal*
field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
coords = get_periodic_rvec(data)
return get_sph_theta(coords, normal)
(‘index’, ‘vertex_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vert(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fcoords_vertex[..., axi].copy(), units)
return rv
(‘index’, ‘vertex_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vert(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fcoords_vertex[..., axi].copy(), units)
return rv
(‘index’, ‘vertex_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _vert(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fcoords_vertex[..., axi].copy(), units)
return rv
(‘index’, ‘virial_radius_fraction’)¶
Sampling Method: local
Field Source
def _virial_radius_fraction(field, data):
virial_radius = data.get_field_parameter("virial_radius")
if virial_radius == 0.0:
ret = 0.0
ret = data["index", "radius"] / virial_radius
return ret
(‘index’, ‘volume’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{3}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘index’, ‘x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _coords(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fcoords[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _coords(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fcoords[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _coords(field, data):
rv = data.ds.arr(data.fcoords[..., axi].copy(), units)
return data._reshape_vals(rv)
(‘index’, ‘zeros’)¶
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _zeros(field, data):
"""Returns zero for all cells"""
arr = np.zeros(data["index", "ones"].shape, dtype="float64")
return data.apply_units(arr, field.units)
(‘io’, ‘mesh_id’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_mesh_ids(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
ids = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype="float64") - 1
# This is float64 in name only. It will be properly cast inside the
# deposit operation.
# _ids = ids.view("float64")
data.deposit(pos, [ids], method="mesh_id")
return data.apply_units(ids, "")
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum(field, data):
am = (
data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"].T
return am.T
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘io’, ‘particle_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘particle_ones’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_ones(field, data):
v = np.ones(data[ptype, coord_name].shape[0], dtype="float64")
return data.apply_units(v, field.units)
(‘io’, ‘particle_position’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_vectors(field, data):
v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units) for name in names]
return data.ds.arr(np.column_stack(v), v[0].units)
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_r(pos, normal), "code_length")
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_theta(pos, normal), "")
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_z(pos, normal), "code_length")
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_relative_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_relative_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_relative_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_spherical_phi’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_phi(pos, normal), "")
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
and *center* field parameters.
return get_radius(data, "particle_position_",[0])
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_spherical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta coordinate of the particle positions.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_theta(pos, normal), "")
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘particle_position_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘particle_radial_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘io’, ‘particle_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
and *center* field parameters.
return get_radius(data, "particle_position_",[0])
(‘io’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum(field, data):
"""Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.
Returns a vector for each particle.
center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
pos, vel, normal = get_angular_momentum_components(ptype, data, spos, svel)
L, r_vec, v_vec = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos, V=vel)
# adding in the unit registry allows us to have a reference to the
# dataset and thus we will always get the correct units after applying
# the cross product.
return ucross(r_vec, v_vec, registry=data.ds.unit_registry)
(‘io’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_vectors(field, data):
v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units) for name in names]
return data.ds.arr(np.column_stack(v), v[0].units)
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, normal)
cylr = get_cyl_r_component(vel, theta, normal)
return cylr
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, normal)
cylt = get_cyl_theta_component(vel, theta, normal)
return cylt
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
cylz = get_cyl_z_component(vel, normal)
return cylz
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_magnitude(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'x'}"] ** 2
+ data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'y'}"] ** 2
+ data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'z'}"] ** 2
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
sphp = get_sph_phi_component(vel, phi, normal)
return sphp
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle velocities in an
arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_sph_theta(pos, normal)
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
sphr = get_sph_r_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
return sphr
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta component of the particle velocities in an
arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_sph_theta(pos, normal)
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
spht = get_sph_theta_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
return spht
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_position’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _relative_particle_position(field, data):
"""The cartesian particle positions in a rotated reference frame
Relative to the coordinate system defined by *center* field parameter.
Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
field_names = [(ptype, f"particle_position_{ax}") for ax in "xyz"]
return obtain_position_vector(data, field_names=field_names).T
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_position_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_position_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_position_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _relative_particle_velocity(field, data):
"""The vector particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *bulk_velocity*
vector field parameter.
Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
field_names = [(ptype, f"particle_velocity_{ax}") for ax in "xyz"]
return obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data, field_names=field_names).T
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘io’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘mesh_id’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_mesh_ids(field, data):
pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
ids = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype="float64") - 1
# This is float64 in name only. It will be properly cast inside the
# deposit operation.
# _ids = ids.view("float64")
data.deposit(pos, [ids], method="mesh_id")
return data.apply_units(ids, "")
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_angular_momentum’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum(field, data):
am = (
data[ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"].T
return am.T
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _magnitude(field, data):
fn = field_components[0]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
d = data[fn]
mag = (d) ** 2
for idim in range(1, registry.ds.dimensionality):
fn = field_components[idim]
if data.has_field_parameter(f"bulk_{basename}"):
fn = (fn[0], f"relative_{fn[1]}")
mag += (data[fn]) ** 2
return np.sqrt(mag)
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} \cdot \rm{g} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return (
data[_ptype, "particle_mass"]
* data[ptype, f"particle_specific_angular_momentum_{ax}"]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_mass’)¶
Units: \(\rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_ones’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_ones(field, data):
v = np.ones(data[ptype, coord_name].shape[0], dtype="float64")
return data.apply_units(v, field.units)
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_vectors(field, data):
v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units) for name in names]
return data.ds.arr(np.column_stack(v), v[0].units)
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_r(pos, normal), "code_length")
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_theta(pos, normal), "")
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_z(pos, normal), "code_length")
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_relative_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_relative_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_relative_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_spherical_phi’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_phi(pos, normal), "")
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
and *center* field parameters.
return get_radius(data, "particle_position_",[0])
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_spherical_theta’)¶
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_position_spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta coordinate of the particle positions.
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector
and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
return data.ds.arr(get_sph_theta(pos, normal), "")
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_position_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{code~length}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_radial_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle positions
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
and *center* field parameters.
return get_radius(data, "particle_position_",[0])
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum(field, data):
"""Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.
Returns a vector for each particle.
center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
pos, vel, normal = get_angular_momentum_components(ptype, data, spos, svel)
L, r_vec, v_vec = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos, V=vel)
# adding in the unit registry allows us to have a reference to the
# dataset and thus we will always get the correct units after applying
# the cross product.
return ucross(r_vec, v_vec, registry=data.ds.unit_registry)
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_specific_angular_momentum_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{2} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def particle_vectors(field, data):
v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units) for name in names]
return data.ds.arr(np.column_stack(v), v[0].units)
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_radius(field, data):
"""The cylindrical radius component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, normal)
cylr = get_cyl_r_component(vel, theta, normal)
return cylr
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_theta(field, data):
"""The cylindrical theta component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, normal)
cylt = get_cyl_theta_component(vel, theta, normal)
return cylt
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_cylindrical_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_cylindrical_z(field, data):
"""The cylindrical z component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
cylz = get_cyl_z_component(vel, normal)
return cylz
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_magnitude’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_magnitude(field, data):
return np.sqrt(
data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'x'}"] ** 2
+ data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'y'}"] ** 2
+ data[ptype, f"relative_{svel % 'z'}"] ** 2
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_relative_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_phi(field, data):
"""The spherical phi component of the particle velocities
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
sphp = get_sph_phi_component(vel, phi, normal)
return sphp
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_radius’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_radius(field, data):
"""The spherical radius component of the particle velocities in an
arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_sph_theta(pos, normal)
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
sphr = get_sph_r_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
return sphr
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_spherical_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_velocity_spherical_theta(field, data):
"""The spherical theta component of the particle velocities in an
arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
*bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
pos = data[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].T
vel = data[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].T
theta = get_sph_theta(pos, normal)
phi = get_sph_phi(pos, normal)
spht = get_sph_theta_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
return spht
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘particle_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
No source available.
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_position’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _relative_particle_position(field, data):
"""The cartesian particle positions in a rotated reference frame
Relative to the coordinate system defined by *center* field parameter.
Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
field_names = [(ptype, f"particle_position_{ax}") for ax in "xyz"]
return obtain_position_vector(data, field_names=field_names).T
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_position_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_position_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_position_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_position"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_velocity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _relative_particle_velocity(field, data):
"""The vector particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate system
Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *bulk_velocity*
vector field parameter.
Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
field_names = [(ptype, f"particle_velocity_{ax}") for ax in "xyz"]
return obtain_relative_velocity_vector(data, field_names=field_names).T
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘nbody’, ‘relative_particle_velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: particle
Field Source
def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
return data[_ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"][:, axi]
(‘stream’, ‘cell_volume’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{3}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘dark_matter_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘di_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘dii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘dx’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘dy’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘dz’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘h2i_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘h2ii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘h2m_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘hdi_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘hei_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘heii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘heiii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘hi_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘hii_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘magnetic_field_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘magnetic_field_r’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘magnetic_field_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘magnetic_field_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘magnetic_field_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘magnetic_field_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{G}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘metal_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{g}}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘metallicity’)¶
Units: \(\rm{Z}_\odot\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘number_density’)¶
Units: \(\frac{1}{\rm{cm}^{3}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘path_element_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘path_element_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘path_element_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘pressure’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{dyn}}{\rm{cm}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘radiation_acceleration_x’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{cm}}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘radiation_acceleration_y’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{cm}}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘radiation_acceleration_z’)¶
Units: \(\frac{\rm{cm}}{\rm{s}^{2}}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘specific_thermal_energy’)¶
Units: \(\rm{erg} / \rm{g}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘temperature’)¶
Units: \(\rm{K}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘velocity_phi’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘velocity_r’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘velocity_theta’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘velocity_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘velocity_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘velocity_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm} / \rm{s}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
No source available.
(‘stream’, ‘vertex_x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘vertex_y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘vertex_z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘volume’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}^{3}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘x’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘y’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
(‘stream’, ‘z’)¶
Units: \(\rm{cm}\)
Sampling Method: cell
Field Source
def _TranslationFunc(field, data):
# We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this.
return data[field_name].copy()
AdaptaHOP-Specific Fields¶
field name |
units |
aliases |
particle? |
display name |
(‘io’, ‘particle_identifier’) |
1 |
\(Halo Identity\) |
(‘io’, ‘raw_position_x’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘raw_position_y’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘raw_position_z’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘r’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo radius\) |
(‘io’, ‘a’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo semi-major axis\) |
(‘io’, ‘b’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo semi-medium axis\) |
(‘io’, ‘c’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo semi-minor axis\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_x’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo velocity x\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_y’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo velocity y\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_velocity_z’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo velocity z\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_x’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{Mpc} \cdot \rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Angular Momentum x\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_y’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{Mpc} \cdot \rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Angular Momentum y\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_angular_momentum_z’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{Mpc} \cdot \rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Angular Momentum z\) |
(‘io’, ‘particle_mass’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{M}_\odot}\) |
1 |
\(Halo mass\) |
(‘io’, ‘ek’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\frac{\rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km}^{2}}{\rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Kinetic Energy\) |
(‘io’, ‘ep’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\frac{\rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km}^{2}}{\rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Gravitational Energy\) |
(‘io’, ‘ek’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\frac{\rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km}^{2}}{\rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Total Energy\) |
(‘io’, ‘spin’) |
1 |
\(Halo Spin Parameter\) |
(‘io’, ‘virial_radius’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Virial Radius\) |
(‘io’, ‘virial_mass’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{M}_\odot}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Virial Mass\) |
(‘io’, ‘virial_temperature’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{K}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Virial Temperature\) |
(‘io’, ‘virial_velocity’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo Virial Velocity\) |
(‘io’, ‘rho0’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\frac{\rm{M}_\odot}{\rm{Mpc}^{3}}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo NFW Density\) |
(‘io’, ‘R_c’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\(Halo NFW Scale Radius\) |
(‘io’, ‘velocity_dispersion’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
\(Velocity Dispersion\) |
(‘io’, ‘radius_200’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\($R_\mathrm{200}$\) |
(‘io’, ‘radius_50’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{Mpc}}\) |
1 |
\($R_\mathrm{50}$\) |
(‘io’, ‘mass_200’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{M}_\odot}\) |
1 |
\($M_\mathrm{200}$\) |
(‘io’, ‘mass_50’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{M}_\odot}\) |
1 |
\($M_\mathrm{50}$\) |
(‘io’, ‘contaminated’) |
1 |
\(Contaminated\) |
(‘io’, ‘m_contam’) |
\(\mathrm{1.0 \times 10^{11}~\rm{M}_\odot}\) |
1 |
\(Contaminated Mass\) |
AHFHalos-Specific Fields¶
field name |
units |
aliases |
particle? |
display name |
(‘io’, ‘ID’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘hostHalo’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘numSubStruct’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Mvir’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{M}_\odot / h}\) |
1 |
\(Virial Mass\) |
(‘io’, ‘npart’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Xc’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Yc’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Zc’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘VXc’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘VYc’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘VZc’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Rvir’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
\(Virial Radius\) |
(‘io’, ‘Rmax’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘r2’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘mbp_offset’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘com_offset’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{kpc}/(1+z) / h}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Vmax’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘v_sec’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘sigV’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{km} / \rm{s}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘lambda’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘lambdaE’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Lx’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ly’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Lz’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘b’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘c’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Eax’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Eay’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Eaz’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ebx’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Eby’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ebz’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ecx’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ecy’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ecz’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘ovdens’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘nbins’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘fMhires’) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Ekin’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km}^{2}}{h \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Epot’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km}^{2}}{h \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘SurfP’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{M}_\odot \cdot \rm{km}^{2}}{h \cdot \rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘Phi0’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{km}^{2}}{\rm{s}^{2}}}\) |
1 |
(‘io’, ‘cNFW’) |
1 |
AMRVAC-Specific Fields¶
field name |
units |
aliases |
particle? |
display name |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rho’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘e’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length} \cdot \rm{code~time}^{2}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘b1’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{code~magnetic}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘b2’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{code~magnetic}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘b3’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{code~magnetic}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘Te’) |
\(\mathrm{\rm{code~temperature}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod1’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod2’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod3’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod4’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod5’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod6’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod7’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod8’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod9’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod10’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod11’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod12’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod13’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod14’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod15’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod16’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod17’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod18’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod19’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod20’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod21’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod22’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod23’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod24’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod25’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod26’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod27’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod28’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod29’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod30’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod31’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod32’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod33’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod34’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod35’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod36’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod37’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod38’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod39’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod40’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod41’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod42’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod43’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod44’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod45’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod46’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod47’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod48’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod49’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod50’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod51’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod52’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod53’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod54’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod55’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod56’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod57’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod58’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod59’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod60’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod61’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod62’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod63’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod64’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod65’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod66’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod67’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod68’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod69’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod70’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod71’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod72’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod73’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod74’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod75’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod76’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod77’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod78’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod79’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod80’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod81’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod82’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod83’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod84’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod85’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod86’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod87’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod88’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod89’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod90’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod91’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod92’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod93’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod94’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod95’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod96’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod97’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod98’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod99’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘rhod100’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{3}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d1’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d1’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d1’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d2’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d2’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d2’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d3’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d3’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d3’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d4’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d4’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d4’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d5’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d5’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d5’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d6’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d6’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d6’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d7’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d7’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d7’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d8’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d8’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d8’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d9’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d9’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d9’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d10’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d10’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d10’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d11’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d11’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d11’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d12’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d12’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d12’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d13’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d13’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d13’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d14’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d14’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d14’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d15’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d15’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d15’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d16’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d16’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d16’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d17’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d17’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d17’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d18’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d18’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d18’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d19’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d19’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d19’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d20’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d20’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d20’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d21’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d21’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d21’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d22’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d22’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d22’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d23’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d23’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d23’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d24’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d24’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d24’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d25’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d25’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d25’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d26’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d26’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d26’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d27’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d27’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d27’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d28’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d28’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d28’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d29’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d29’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d29’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d30’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d30’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d30’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d31’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d31’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d31’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d32’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d32’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d32’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d33’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d33’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d33’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d34’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d34’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d34’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d35’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d35’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d35’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d36’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d36’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d36’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d37’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d37’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d37’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d38’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d38’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d38’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d39’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d39’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d39’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d40’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d40’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d40’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d41’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d41’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d41’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d42’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d42’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d42’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d43’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d43’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d43’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d44’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d44’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d44’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d45’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d45’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d45’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d46’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d46’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d46’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d47’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d47’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d47’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d48’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d48’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d48’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d49’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d49’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d49’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d50’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d50’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d50’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d51’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d51’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d51’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d52’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d52’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d52’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d53’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d53’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d53’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d54’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d54’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d54’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d55’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d55’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d55’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d56’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d56’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d56’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d57’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d57’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d57’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d58’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d58’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d58’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d59’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d59’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d59’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d60’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d60’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d60’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d61’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d61’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d61’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d62’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d62’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d62’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d63’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d63’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d63’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d64’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d64’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d64’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d65’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d65’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d65’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d66’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d66’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d66’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d67’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d67’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d67’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d68’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d68’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d68’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d69’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d69’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d69’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d70’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d70’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d70’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d71’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d71’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d71’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d72’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d72’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d72’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d73’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d73’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d73’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d74’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d74’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d74’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d75’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d75’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d75’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d76’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d76’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d76’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d77’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d77’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d77’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d78’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d78’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d78’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d79’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d79’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d79’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d80’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d80’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d80’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d81’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d81’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d81’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d82’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d82’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d82’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d83’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d83’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d83’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d84’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m2d84’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m3d84’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{code~time}}}\) |
0 |
(‘amrvac’, ‘m1d85’) |
\(\mathrm{\frac{\rm{code~mass}}{\rm{code~length}^{2} \cdot \rm{c |